The Benefits of Retail-Ready Packaging

Easy-D retail ready packaging

Shelf-ready packaging, also known as retail-ready packaging, is becoming increasingly popular among manufacturers. Thanks to the availability of wide choices such as pallet displays, case stackers, corrugated boxes, and counter displays, you can now opt for suitable packaging that is both eye-catching and convenient to handle. The logistics of the product from the factory to the store shelf can now be safe and smooth.

Retail-ready packaging offers multiple benefits to manufacturers, retailers as well as customers. As a manufacturer, it is in your hands to make the switch-over and pass on the same to the retailers and customers, too. The benefits are too many to ignore.

Increase sales of your products by choosing retail-ready packaging solutions. Customers are constantly seeking convenience in their everyday life. So it is imperative to make the process of handling your products quick, safe, and comfortable. Also, retailers prefer shelf or retail-ready packaging for its aesthetic appeal and lower labor costs. Read on to know about how shelf-ready packaging is beneficial for your products and it is high time that you embrace them.

For the Shopper


When the shopper can easily see and retrieve the product from the shelf at the shop, it translates to more sales. This is the top benefit of choosing retail-ready packaging for your product. 

Quick identification and being able to reach the product without any hassle ensure a pleasant shopping experience. Also, there will be no toppling over or breakage of cases when the products are encased in shelf-ready packaging.

The display cases also act as an advertisement space to display information about the product. A well-informed customer will trust and continue to buy your product. 

Through well-engineered cases and perforations, the shopper will also find it convenient to open the package before use without having to use knives, scissors, or other sharp tools. This improves the overall user experience of the shopper.

Also, a smart packaging design will cut down on excessive packing material. This makes the packaging more compact and uses less shelf space at home. When it is recyclable or reusable, it reduces the burden on the environment. 

A conscious shopper will appreciate such packaging.

For the Retailer


Retail-ready packaging offers more space on the counters and shelves to stack more products. Also, the store staff person will find it easier and quicker to arrange the products encased in such packaging. This cuts labor costs for the retailers by saving time. Also, the stock can be replenished regularly as the staff member can easily spot if the shelves are empty while case handling.

When the products are secure in their package, risks of breakage, leaks, and spillage get cut to a minimum. This is convenient to the retailer when the staff member does not have to attend to such issues thus saving time and money. As more retail stores open up, the need for smaller spaces operating at lower costs will increase. Such stores will opt for retail-ready packaging to save shelf space and operate with lesser staff.

With retailers searching for economically and environmentally sustainable options, your products encased in shelf-ready packaging will appear attractive. A pleasing display will add a good impression about the retailer in the mind of the shopper. This will boost the sales of the product and bring in repeat customers and also impulse purchases.

For You


It is easy to handle and ship products packed in retail-ready packaging as they are easily identifiable. The package handler can easily follow the instructions printed on the carton and transport accordingly. Durable and lightweight packaging material will reduce shipping costs. This will cut expenditure on extra packing materials and the carbon footprint of your business.

On its own, shelf-ready packaging can elevate your brand to stand out in the minds of the shoppers. Display cases designed appealingly will attract customers to the product as they are easy to notice and reach out to buy or replace on the shelf. Also, a well-designed package will gain attention anywhere, even at the consumer’s house. With friends and guests noticing the package, the product attracts more marketing.

Thus, more retailers will be willing to buy and stock your products. This demand for your products will increase the sales volume and thereby your business profit. You can sideline your competitors with attractive and sustainable packaging.

Bottom Line


In a nutshell, retail-ready packaging offers multiple advantages to manufacturers, retailers, and customers. It is easy to handle and transport products from the factory to the stores, attractive when displayed on the shelves, convenient to grab from the shelf and simple to open for use, and primarily recyclable. Business stakeholders will get to save time and retail space which eventually leads to cutting costs. 

Your brand gains exposure through a prominent display of well-designed packaging. This is additional marketing for the product besides traditional methods of advertisements.

With more manufacturers turning to retail-ready packaging, there is no better time than now to choose the right packaging for your product. Your choice will gear your business towards a sustainable growth path due to its undeniable benefits. So, hurry up and get in touch with our packaging expert to know more about choosing a smart design solution for your product.  BluePrint Automation has it's own Easy D case or can help you load into your own retail ready packaging.